Do u ever feel that everything that you do maybe the last time you doing it.
"Alaaaa mak nie last kakyah dapat makan masakan mak! pasnie tak de daaa"
"yelaaaa ayoy arinie last pun hang nak kaco2 aku.. pasnie aku tak de daaa"
"eeh Adiib taknak salam kakyah kaa? kakyah nak balik daa... tak jumpa daa kakyah pas nie.."
how are they feel if the word "tak de daaa" means really gone forever...??
And how u feel, if one day u realize it is your last time doing it....
Last dapat makan masakan mak....
Last bergurau senda ngan adek beradek...
Last dapat luangkan masa dengan family....
What are you going to do?? If.......
you not feeling well....
because you get fever... a really bad fever... you feel weak, your mouth dry, and after one stage you don't recognize people around you... You feel your chest going to rip off... it so hurt inside you...
at this moment... you imagine what have you done in your life....
"wey dah pukul 3pm daaa... tak Zohor lagi nie..."
"ermmm takyah laa baca Quran lagi, sok je laa sambung, aku dah ngantuk"
"ish balik laaa tajuk tazkirah nie aku tau daaa..."
"Gila hot mamat nie....! body cantek siot...!"
"Hg tau dak semalam aku nampak anak Temah duk dating kat bawah pohon kelapa, pastuh tibe-tibe jatuh buah nyok kat atas kepala pakwe dia...hahaha tuu laaa wat maksiat je tau, padan muka"
but you not realize that you also doing maksiat in your life... you fill your life with useless thing... and now your life going to the end... you going to leave the world...
"Ya Allah aku tak bersedia lagi... banyak dosa aku buat... aaaaargh aku tak solat lagi... Quran aku tak khatam lagi... aku banyak wat salah kat orang...."
Now nothing you can do... its too late................